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Sergey Korolev | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Gordana Bojic 25-Oct-2007 20:15
Dear Sergej, your WET collection is amazing. So wondeful photos with and without umbrell but happy faces with imposant background. I loss for words.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 12:59
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:45
I'm simply loss for words. Kudos!
glimpses by lu19-Feb-2007 04:16
Hi Sergey, I have enjoyed visiting all of your galleries. You have so many wonderful images that seemed to tell me a story with each one. Wonderful compostition and beautiful captures. I will visit again. Lu
ìîñêâà 25-Sep-2006 11:26
Î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëèñü Âàøè ãàëëåðåè ñ ôîòîãðàôèÿìè! Ñïàñèáî çà Êðàñîòó! Âåëèêîëåïíû Âàøè ïîðòðåòû. Òîëüêî ïî-íàñòîÿùåìó õîðîøèé ÷åëîâåê ìîæåò áûòü èñòèííûì ôîòîãðàôîì.
À ãäå Âû ñåé÷àñ æèâåòå, â êàêîé ñòðàíå? Èíòåðåñíî ïðîñòî.:)
Ðîçâåä÷åã 31-May-2006 07:29
Àôôòàð, è÷ñî ðàçîã!
Þëèÿ 20-Apr-2006 10:40
Joseph 17-Apr-2006 01:07
Dear Sergei, Your site is just wonderful. It is very impressive. I am from Malta and truley I have never seen so much beautiful photoes on the internet so far. Keep it up.
Natalia 20-Apr-2005 12:51
So mild, so philanthropical... Is that really You?)
Sergey 22-Mar-2005 17:55
Hi Serj! Just wanted to leave a message in your guestbook. I've run against your site by pure accident and now I'm going to visit your site from time to time. :) The images are really wonderful!! Well done!

Take care.
Sergey Zakharov
Maureen 08-Dec-2004 09:52
Dear Sergei,
Beautiful pictures indeed;-) I actually did a google search of your name with an aim to find out if you happen to have known someone by the name of Kamukama living in Uganda. If so kindly get in touch with me asap.
Kind regards
Don Guo07-Dec-2004 05:47
Thanks for your kind have some wonderful galleries,good work!


Don Guo
Richard Haas 03-Dec-2004 21:30
could you please contact me
thanks in advance
Guest 07-Nov-2004 16:07
Thank you for sharing a peek into your world - you show it in a realistic yet artistic way. I love seeing the world from the eyes of others - vanita
Galina Stepanova26-Jul-2004 00:36
Sergey, nice portfolio, beautiful, tasteful thoughtful photography.
Enhoyed it.
Best regards,
Naturephoto Monique25-Jul-2004 19:18
Sergei, your galleries are wonderful!
You have a great gift, thanks for sharing and your kind words in my gallery.
Guest 16-Jul-2004 21:37
Great site Sergei! Love your pictures!
thanks for the comment.
Kind regards
Miel Pieters
Annett 24-Jun-2004 12:37
Dorogoy Sergei! Your pictures are simply amazing, some of the best I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing them with us. Sbasiba y do svidanya! Annett from London
Hodero19-Jun-2004 11:23
Very lovely Gallery...Good feeling for colors and composition..
were these photographs taken in Russia..?
Vinay10-Jun-2004 10:03
I'm really impressed with your work
elisa06-Jun-2004 16:01
Your pictures are amazing, you've such a good eye for details!
Guest 31-May-2004 19:36
Sergei, you have some very nice photos here. I like your compositions. Keep up the good work! I look forward to come back in the future. Thanks for your kind words on my pictures.

Robert Whiteman15-May-2004 16:25

Thank you for the kind comment. I enjoyed looking at your galleries also, especially "food" and "wooden table". Nice themes and excellent work.

christianl14-May-2004 13:55
Hi Sergei,
Many thanks for your kind comments. Your work is really amazing. I like the mood of your shots and their apparent simplicity. Your technique is very well mastered and doesn't "hide" the subject. Your on my list ;-)
Cheers !
Merloz Paris03-May-2004 22:11
Hello sergei,

Your gallery is beautifull.. not a lot pictures but all of a great quality !

i particularly like ur abstract & place gallery.. Will come here regularly to check your work !

Marisa Livet29-Mar-2004 08:16
Ah Sergey, you are right! it's impossible to deceive a Russian about snow! Thank you for visiting my galleries and for your comments...As for the photo you mentioned, if you check others in the same gallery, you'll see that snow is totally ...real there, simply in that specific photo I decided to stress voluntary the fairy tale look.
I deeply like your work and I have visited your galleries already several times, I'm happy you have left a comment in mine.
Thank you
Adalberto Tiburzi24-Jan-2004 21:59
Great galleries in a melanchonic and meditative very russian mood. And well composed, and perfect colours and perfect tecnique, according to the superb iconographic russian tradition. Too few like you on here!
Carolyn B.24-Jan-2004 19:39
Oh my, I clicked on the "recently updated" images file, found yours, and am truly impressed. What gorgeous shots - what an eye you have for composition, for the elusive exposure factor, for over-all prettiness. Excellent work here!
robin statfeld16-Nov-2003 16:58
What beautiful images - complimenti!
Galina 11-Nov-2003 07:48
Dear author,
I was impressed of your pictures. We miss a lot of beauty in usual staff. The main mission of such pictures to show to us those losses.
I wish you good luck.
Regards, Galina.