13-May-2023 00:01

:: road_work ::
25-Dec-2022 22:56

:: People that I know ::
25-Dec-2022 22:15

:: People that I don't Know ::
17-Dec-2022 18:37

:: Architecture ::
17-Dec-2022 18:18

:: murals_and_such ::
30-Oct-2022 20:59

:: Fire Plugs & Such ::
02-Oct-2022 00:03

:: SLaPS & stiCkERs ::
30-Sep-2022 22:58

:: Almost Art ::
29-Sep-2022 23:13

:: transportation ::
29-Sep-2022 22:55

:: "UP" A New Aesthetic ::
06-Feb-2022 01:27

:: The Manhaton Project ::
03-Feb-2022 21:13

:: the_face_of_corona ::