Message from BrigitteKrede
Brigitte Krede (The French Touch Photography) Artist Visuel
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''Portez-vous bien et dites moi bientot de nouveau quelque chose pour ne pas laisser s'installer de si longues pauses.Sinon un jour, on se pausera, sans y prendre garde dans la vie eternelle..."(Goethe a Zelter, 19 juin 18O5)
Please don't hesitate to leave a message concerning these galleries, or pictures, (a vote would be also appreciated)... Merci
copyright : all rights reserved by Brigitte Krede - years 2000-2013
my photography are governed by:
- The Berne Convention of September 9, 1886, signed by 164 countries ..
- The code of the French intellectual property, laws of March 11, 1957 and July 3, 1985. codified in the Code of Intellectual Property.
Article L. 111-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property:
The author of an intellectual work has on this work, the only fact of its creation, the right of exclusive incorporeal property and binding on all ...
- Copyright protects also ideas ...

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