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Adit Merkine | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Avigdor Lev 10-Jun-2017 09:49
Hi Adit
Very impressive photographs

Guest 02-Dec-2016 03:49
Loved visiting you gallery. Your lens "sees" so much more detail and beauty than my eyes are able. Beautiful. Hope you are well...all my best, Lynn Brandt
Guest 02-Aug-2015 21:56
Hello Adit, Martin and I look back at our experience in UK with fond memories. Your pictures are beautiful.

Joan Lee Mikulas
huile de ricin14-May-2015 12:51
Je ne peux qu'ĂȘtre en admiration devant votre gallerie
Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:10
Vous avez beaucoup de talent, merci
Sven 10-Mar-2014 11:16
Wow, fantastic impressions from all over the world captured. Best regards from Norway, Sven
Rachel Harpaz 12-Aug-2012 19:04
Hi Adit,
Really great pics
Love them
Daphne Palka 22-Apr-2012 17:46
Mazal Tov upon this great project.
Otto Plantema17-Apr-2012 07:42

Welcome in the PBase famalily,
your Eilat gallery is a very good start,
